Licorice Roots



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  1. I am consuming it for nearly a month along with Holy Basil, Manjisthadi Kwath, Neem and Giloy. They all are having a positive influence on me.

  2. I am using it for my stomach inflammation, and it is working great, better than any chemical drug, with absolutely no side effects.

  3. Clean, cut and sifted. Perfect for tea, medicinal tincture. I use a quarter teaspoon of licorice with one teaspoon of peppermint in a cup of hot water to relieve cold sores.

  4. Actually, I love the taste of this stick and chew it every morning to keep the guts and immune system in proper shape.

  5. I found over the internet that Licorice root is a detrimental herb against the Herpes virus. I believe if i can for a long term use Licorice root I might be better be able to fight against the Herpes virus.

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